Musings on this experience of sharing my writing with the world.

Posted on 3/13/2015 by Monica
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Please SHARE my website and the stories with friends and family. I am going to have to create a way to communicate with my readers! I enjoy reading emails people send me. Thank you for the encouragement.
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Getting Back to it! 3/1/2015

Dear Readers, thank you for reading my stories. I have appreciated the emails and private FB messages about the stories.

I wish I had illustrations for all of them. If I could conjure up a talent at the moment, that would be it!

I got distracted by...

Kit Kat Bars2/19/2015

I love Kit Kate Bars. and tonight I'm giving myself a break! I was too ambitious to think I could juggle everything I normally do and post a story every day. So I might not have a story up every day but I am going to give myself a break and do the best I...


Part of this project is to learn to be kinder and gentler to myself. Yesterday I visited my almost 5yr old friend Lily and I read her the story about Isabel wanting to be a mermaid. As I read it, I realized wording and sentences and such that I wanted to...

Length and age2/16/2015

OK, so as I continue on this project, I realize that most of my stories are too long for simple "picture books." I think they might be more appropriate for the early reader age.

Or, I could learn to cut out more. Which might be easier if there were ill...


I know some of these stories might be better shorter, but I have such a hard time deleting! In fact I tend to want to add more! Some of the stories could be long if they are for the 1st and 2nd grade reading level and not just simple picture books. Eith...


I am pleasantly surprised that I'm more excited than nervous now. I want to hear what the kids think and listen in on the story telling. I'm wishing I was at story hour with my books and able to see the kids expressions!

It's hard for me to only put u...

What will I be proud of when I'm on the precipice of heaven? 2/9/2015
JUMP! 2/8/2015